The Problem
Staffing organizations often work with independent talent for certain types of roles like in IT and Life Sciences. If staffing firms misclassify workers, there is substantial legal risk in lawsuits, government fines, and back taxes. This becomes even more complicated as recruitment agencies engage talent across multiple jurisdictions with different laws.

The AOR Solution
As Agent of Record, Ascen assumes the IC classification risk on your behalf, allowing you to focus on your core strengths. Some benefits of Ascen's Agent of Record (AOR):
- Initial and periodic IC Classification
- Works with ICs, 1099s, Corp-to-Corp (IC)
- Global Payments to ICs
- Insurance and Document Verification

Global Pay and Bill
Ascen's AOR pay and bill software is built for staffing organizations in mind.
- Onboard your ICs effortlessly in a white label environment
- Pay your ICs around the world in 150 different countries
- Bill your clients for IC work
Embedded Funding
Ascen's optional payroll funding allows your recruitment agency to staff IC assignments for your clients and have the funding to grow, while clients pay in net 30-90 terms. Ascen's embedded funding means you can fund operations without needing to manage cash, handle collections, or provide personal guarantees.